Thursday, January 17, 2008

Handsome Boys

Could they BE any cuter! We took this picture the Sunday before Christmas. Thanks Aunt A for the beautiful outfits...I mean handsome outfits! They sure love being brothers. The older they get the more fun they have together. Just yesterday they were pretending to be doctors with their Mini MD kit, also from Aunt A. All of their "guys" received a full work up. We are pleased to say that they are all in good health. We'll try to remember this picture when they are screaming about going to bed!!


Susie said...

Bedtime a nightmare for you, too? I feel SO much better now...

stephanie said...

They are so adorable. I can't believe how quickly they are growing up. K and k say 'hi.' bedtime not the issue here, it's getting up and out of it in the morning.

Malauna said...

I have hopes that someday my boys will play together. Now its just R tackling H.

Susie said...

I realize that I've already commented on this post, but I just noticed the quote you have at the bottom of your blog about cleaning and shoveling snow. I do both! How embarrassing!

Tracy said...

Such handsome boys - fantastic picture!!

Topsy said...

RAchel, you need to write again, I miss you.