Well, Cole is down for a nap and Jonah is playing Lego Indiana Jones, which makes now the perfect time to blog. Ok, time for fun thing number three: My birthday! I have to admit, I feel a little funny blogging about my own birthday, but we had so much fun I just have to share. My birthday was on the 1st, which was Labor Day, which allowed for a little extra fun. My brother David was in town (fun to the extreme) and my awesome husband planned a great party for me and some of our closest buds: My parents and brother, The Schultz Family, the Egbert Family (who only partially came due to illness :( ) and the Ricks Family. We played fun games with the kids and had cake and ice cream.
But we didn't want the fun to end and since there was no school or work the next day the Ricks and Schultz spent the night!! We just rolled out sleeping bags and blankets and let the kids fall where they were. It was great. The whole night simply proved even more that you don't need booze to have a fabulous time.

The first game was an egg race with small wiffle balls instead of eggs. Sorry, groceries are just too expensive to waste. Here the teams ready themselves for the whistle.

Chip Schultz, as usual, does everything with style and grace. Fortunately, no bones were broken with this one.

Even when the game was over, the Tommy and Jonah would not give up. I love how they insisted on following the rules of not touching the "egg."

Speaking of style and grace, here is my brother David with my Dad getting ready for the three-legged race. Look at the length of those legs! Hardly a fair contest when compared with their competitors.

And these were the competitors: Jonah and Jack...

The birthday girl trying not to be too embarrassed that everyone in the house was singing to her and taking her picture...

I'm not sure who was more excited that I got a Wii: Me or the boys. Let's put it this way; it was in the house for two days before I had a turn to play it.

One of the finest gifts I have ever received in my life was given to me on this, my 31st birthday. It was a photo bag, but not just any photo bag. The Schultz family took time, love and care to put truly priceless photos in the bag for me. Photos that would make me laugh, cry and reminisce. Photos of Chip half naked when he was a teenager. No, I'm not kidding; your just going to have to believe me. Don't ask me to see it. I have been sworn to secrecy and was also asked to surrender said photos at the end of the evening. But the memory will live on forever. I know because the images are permanently burned into my cornea...
Thank you everyone for an awesome night. I will never forget it and am so grateful that I could share it with you. An especially big hug and kiss to my sweetie for giving me the best birthday gift ever: time with people I love.
Happy B-day Rachie Roo
Rachel, that was SOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! Thanks for letting us stay - we love your family! I'm so glad you did exactly what was intended when you opened your "special" gift - which was laugh your head off! We love you guys! (sorry for the permanant image in your head) :)
Aw. Sounds like I missed the best of it! Way to go Schultz's!
I know I'm very late here, but happy birthday Rachel. I hope you had a great birthday. I'm sad I missed the event.
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