Well friends, I wanted to mark today by sharing with you in this very public venue that my abs hurt today! As millions do, D and I set the goal this year to loose the extra pounds we gained by being married. Funny, no one told me I would gain weight when I chose an eternal companion. Shouldn't there be a disclaimer somewhere about that? It should definitely be part of the ceremony. "Do you take this woman to be your wife, in sickness, in health, for richer, for poorer, in obesity and bloating?" I don't think you'd get as many "I do's."
Anyway, back to my abs.... I've been getting up at O-dark-30 to join my good friend, Billy Blanks, in a bit of Tae-Bo to start my day. I simply love delivering upper-cuts and round-house kicks to the imaginary bad guys... Maybe not so many bad guys, but the really rude people who call me at ungodly hours wanting to consolidate my "debt."
Last night, I am thrilled to report, my pants almost fell down as I was loading groceries into my trunk in the Win-Co parking lot. I wasn't wearing a belt with my jeans and they almost found a new home at my ankles. Thank you Billy!! What would I do without your loud, abrasive and "too ripped to be real" self?
What is my goal? Well, I'm not going to tell you. Frankly, I'm afraid I won't meet it and I will be held accountable to all of you faithful blog readers. It's too much pressure. As long as I feel and look good and am not embarrassed to be in front of all of you beautiful moms at the neighborhood pool this summer, I will consider myself successful.
So, if you find yourself up early in the morning and need to call me about something...Don't worry, I'll be up with Billy...
you are one of the beautiful girls, you know.
Rache - you are my idol. Seriously. I'm so jealous! What thoughts go through your head that make you get up when the freaking alarm clock goes off?! Tell me! I need to know! Good for you my friend, you are inspiring!
Good old Billy. Thanks to him I'm sure I could kick someone's trash (in real life).
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